The Special Collections
The Special Collections
There are six special collections at the moment. The purpose of
the special collections is to enable highly specialised patterns to be
added in a manner that can be tailored to their specific properties.
- Tiling rectangles with polyominoes. This is well-known
combinatorial problem. The rectangles are presented in isolation
rather than being repeated. For the details, see..
- Perfect colouring. This applies to the regular tilings
44, 36 and 63 which are coloured in
a specific manner, see..
- Tiling of Unique Factorization Domains. These patterns have
been produced from the analysis of a mathematical problem. They are
non-regular colouring of 44, and 63,
see.. (A 1Mb PDF document.)
- Tiling of squares by similar triangles. For the details, see..
- Tiling with approximate geometry. For the details, see..
- Spiral tilings. For the details, see..
There is another special set: Lattice patterns. For the details, see..